Web-Based Learning and Mobile Learning
- kevinchde
- March 21, 2023
- eBooks>Education|Personal development
Web-Based Learning and Mobile Learning
Knowledge of another language gives people a ticket to enter a new world and the world’s cultures with a broader perspective. Currently, the internet plays a predominant role in our education and lives. In such a technologically advanced environment, learning via the internet is an effective alternative way in learning languages. Literarily, Web-based learning is referred to as computer-enhanced learning. More importantly, Web-based technologies coupled with powerful internet connections provide various new learning experiences. Meanwhile, technology-based mobile-based education continues to grow and has come with powerful tools in facilitating language learning (Ahmadi & Reza 2018).
Web-based learning
According to Sarıca, & Çavuş, (2008), web-based learning theory takes place only through the Web in which there is no issuing of any physical learning materials or face-to-face contact. Online learning tools are purely used in distance education mode. Communication technologies, e-learning, and flexible education are essential attributes in present high education. In 2004 over 2.6 million students are assumed to be studying online courses at United States (US)-based universities. Web Based Language Learning (WBLL) involves learning languages through extensive use of the Web (Bashori, 2018).
Technology such as smartphones and tablets have evolved industrially and grabbed popularity. These multi-purpose devices help students in attending to the learning efforts such as referring course materials, textbooks, readings, and video lectures while creating assignments and class discussions. Hence, the use of a tablet and mobile devices has become a crucial part of most educational program ( Best Colleges, n.d). Through the “mobile” internet, organizations have made their content easily accessible on tablets and smartphones.
Difference between “Web” and “Learning“
“Web” and “Learning” When web-based learning occurs, balancing of ‘web’ with ‘learning’ is an essential factor. Hence, understanding “web” and “Learn” here are of very much importance, which has been illustrated in Table 1.
The Web | The Learning |
Anytime, anywhere | Monitoring the learning process |
Content is delivered via the internet | Giving feedback |
Enables accountability of learning | Representations of knowledge |
Internet communication tools for participants to connect with each other | Repertory of online activity structures |
Archive of each learner’s work and interactions is kept | Prompts, Hints, Guidance |
One-to-many or one-to-one | Human interaction |
Table 1. Balancing the “Web” with “Learning”
Recent trend development towards Web-Based and Mobile Learning.
The development of the internet has extensively facilitated Internet-based learning in academia. As a result, an online education system via a learning management system (LMS) expedites the process of learning. Further, work-based learners are also immensely benefited from this system of learning. Hence, online or web-based learning has been recognized as a learning revolution. Its benefits during a global pandemic like the COVID-19 pandemic are praiseworthy (Tripathi & Singh, (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic kept a long pause to offline education in many educational institutions, which resulted in forming a setback in educational activities. When looking for alternative ways to deal with this unexpected situation, online education activities began to proliferate over the world without interfering with education. Designing online course materials, attracting students, and conducting assessments were part of the success stories of online education.
Mobile based learning
The shift towards mobile technology has primarily changed all aspects of human lives. 83% of the world population owned a smartphone, and the average time spent with mobiles was reported of 3+ hours every day. Time efficiency, increased knowledge retention, cost-effectiveness, more engagement in learning, accessibility to learning, higher completion rates, and promotion of continuous learning culture are some of the great advantages of mobile learning ( Brew, n.d).
Studies Based on Web Based Learning (WBLL)
Kumar & Jayaraju’s study (2015) emphasizes that new technology provides the content and process of language learning by reshaping learning environment better. Computer technologies help teachers and students to show competency in linguistics and to build bridges between past and present. The use of current technologies allows students to meet success in their academic and professional lives. Academicians are able reinforce this method of improving knowledge in multiple ways. Integrating the internet, web facilitate learning activities provide better language abilities to become competent, productive, creative, technical for future-ready employable learners. Finally, this technology also provides opportunity to learn and work collaboratively across the globe.
Gamper, & Knapp’s research project on ‘A Web-Based Language Learning System’ (2002) in developing an electronic vocabulary learning system for the German and the Italian language introduces language system of an extensive dictionary, a collection of exercises, text units, a tandem-feature and an electronic tutor to guide the learner through a systematic vocabulary acquisition process.
Web-based language learning (VEHICCLE)
Kremenska (2008) in her study to present a model for Web-based language learning (VEHICCLE) aims at meeting communicative competence of specialists in foreign languages. This model contained modules (the process of learning) and assignments (the product of learning). In conclusion, the study discusses applicability of the model in creating courses in other languages and subjects.
Web-Based Language Learning (WBLL)
In Malaysian education system many teachers and educators have integrated technology in many of their English classes with Web-Based Language Learning (WBLL). Abundance of favorite materials, easy access, user-friendliness and free sources aid Malaysian English teachers to widely use WBLL (Yusof & Saadon, 2012).
Web 2.0 technology
According a study by Cong-Lem (2018), the advent of Web 2.0 technology has become more useful for EFL educators’ teaching in Australia. This empirical study investigated how the employment of web-based technology enhances EFL learners’ speaking performance. The findings indicated that web-based language learning (WBLL) enhances enhance learners’ linguistic and background knowledge, communication skills and collaborative learning, convenient platforms for learners to practice their speaking through sharing their personal experiences. Moreover, Web 2.0 technology as a learning management system helped to create an omnipresent learning environment, in the language learning process without time and space constraints.
Studies Based on Mobile Learning (WBLL)
New technologies in mobiles can be best adopted for learning English as a second/foreign language and to increase their learning skills immensely. The study based on the previous studies reviewed that using technologies language learning can be improved while certain recommendations for the better use of these technologies were suggested in improving classroom teaching and students’ learning skills. Hence, it was concluded that effective use of new technologies could improve learners’ language learning skills (Ahmadi & Reza 2018.
Peregoy and Boyle’s study on using technology in improving learners’ reading and writing skills(2012) indicated that technology tools can enhance learners’ reading and writing skills due to user -friendliness, and faster and more effective learning methods. Favorable learning environment created by technology for learning resulted in facilitating a new learning platform in which the learners enjoyed the convenient in learning.
WhatsApp applications
The study on how WhatsApp applications contribute language improvement by Alsaleem (2014) found that WhatsApp aided in improvement of learners’ writing skills, speaking skills, vocabulary, and word choice. Godzicki’s, et al(2013) study aiming to examining students’ motivation and engagement in the classroom revealed that students’ engagement and motivation in classroom reached relatively higher when accessibility to technology was ensured to use as an educational tool inside the class. Lin and Yang (2011) carried out a study to investigate if Wiki technology would improve learners’ writing skills. The Learners were expected to join with the Wiki page by composing passages, reading and answering the passages posed by their classmates. Since the kind of technology supported the immediate feedback to the learners, they learned vocabulary, spelling, and sentence structures by reading their classmates’ works.
A study by Mengorio & Dumlao (2019) to investigate the effect of the Mobile Application: Moodle in teaching ESL learners with 100 participants in Junior High School at Rizal Technological University of the Academic Year 2017-2018. Experimental study showed there is an increase with the performance of the target group compared to the controlled group. Also, the students had a positive feedback towards the integration of Mobile App in teaching and learning process.
Web based Language Learning Activities
Contemporary thinking suggests that in technology-based environments the activities must be active and fully engaged (Wild and Quinn, 1997). All these activities must be purposeful for the learner to deal with the content and information. The most significant feature of this approach is setting of activities in which learners assuming much of the responsibility for them in terms of what is learned and how it is learned (Duffy and Cunningham, 1996).
In language learning the basic skills such as reading, writing, speaking, listening and vocabulary must be highly given a deep thought. The activities for them have to be different from each other. In teaching process, teachers should pay an attention on Internet communication tools such as chat, forum, wikis, and discussion boards. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening exercises available on the web give students the chance to move everywhere.
HTML5 Based Language learning Studies
According to Sarhan,R.S. ( 2020 ), it was shown that HTML5 is one of the hot web technologies which is widely accepted across mobile devices and the web. It is designed to deliver everything around the Internet with no additional software support. This complex applications supports multimedia on mobile devices and works on all portable operating systems and responds to all screen sizes. It is advantageous to cache offline, and the important thing is that most of the major e-learning tools available on the market are almost compatible with it.
Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based HTML5
AGUNG’s study on determining the effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based HTML5 in enhancing the vocabulary among Grade Seventh Students (2021) in distance education and how mobile learning interactive application can be used as a learning source and learning tool to address vocabulary problems of these students. This experimental study revealed that the mean score of the Pre-Test (55.83) was lower than the Post-Test (88.84), which shows a significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary achievement by 59.13%.
A review by Naidu, et al. (2021) ‘HTML5 Based E-Learning Authoring to Facilitate Interactive Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic’. Due to high degree of interactivity, immersive visuals, and engaging animations, Adobe Flash was once one of the most common authoring resources for eLearning courses. HTML5, a mobile-friendly option, is becoming the new choice among eLearning professionals, This research paper reviews requirements and implementation of such eLearning tools for Online Teaching and Learning. This is especially needed in situations like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic when most of the schools and higher education institutions have moved to adapt eLearning and online mode of teaching and learning.
Use of Mobile apllications
“LexiFun” by Kawaguchi, Di Biase, & Karliychuk (2016 (2016) is a mobile application developed using HTML5 with language games for vocabulary and grammar enhancement in Japanese. Further, main emphasis has been given on listening comprehension and writing correction too. Also modules in the second language learning of Chinese, Italian and Spanish have been developed focusing young people of the other digital generation. Young people in the digital generation learn second languages of the world over by easily engaging in multi-tasking, by taking advantages of smart phones among other mobile communication devices. Since a rapidly growing interest in games, the potential of e-games has been exposed in education to motivate and inspire young students. The LexIFun caters for two distinct sub-groups of learners of Japanese: Kanji-background students and non Kanji-background students. Though LeriFun is a self-learning language learning app, played individually, it can also be used to inspire interaction with classmates.